Saturday, September 22, 2012

The Opportunity

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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

What Is Legal Shield, And What Can It Do For Me?

                      What Can It Do For Me?

If you were my Attorney what would you charge ?

If you were my Attorney ?

Let's pretend that you are a practicing lawyer. how much do lawyers typically charge per hour?
To make it simple let's just say $100.00 an hour.
Let's say I come to you and tell you I am married with two teenage kids.
Now as my Lawyer, instead of charging me $100.00 per hour to provide legal services for me and my family, I ask that we work out a flat fee arrangement that I pay you each month to cover
any legal needs we might have.

What I want to do is outline some of our legal needs, and I would like you to calculate as
I go through them, now at $100.00 per hour how much would charge me per month to provide all of these services for us ?

First, I want anyone in my family to be able to pick up the phone and call you when they have a legal question or need legal advice.we might call one time five times or more a month with no time limit on how long we talk. At $100.00 per hour start adding this up.

second, before we ever sign a legal document, whether it be a contract to buy a house, lease a car, rent an apartment, purchase a cell phone or what ever we want to be able to say,
"this looks great , but let me run it by my Lawyer "
we want to be able to fax or send an unlimited number of documents for you to review,all ten pages or less in length, to make sure the documents are prepared with our best interests in mind.

 I have heard it said that , "the bold print giveth, but the fine printtaketh away"
Again at $ 100.00 keep adding this up. Also any time we have a legal situation, you would probably agree that a lawyer making phone calls or writing a letter on the firms letterhead will carry a lot more weight than if we tried handling it ourselves.

Whether it is a dog barking next door every night and the neighbors won't take care of it or a

manufacturer who won't stand behind a warranty, we want you to step in and help us resolve
those issues for us by making a phone call or writing a letter for each matter.It might happen three times a month or ten,so keep tallyingthis up at $100.00 an hour.

Plus I want you to give me a reduction on on your regular rate for any legal services beyond what we've agreed you'll do for me on a monthly basis. Now at $ 100.00 an hour how much would you have to charge per month to provide all of these services and my family?

I have heard anywhere from $500.00 to $5000.00 A month.
Lawyers I have talk to said they wouldn't even consider it because they do not know how often you would use the services.
So I am sure that you would agree that if this kind of services was available for only a $ 100.00
a month, it would be hard to believe, right ?
what if I told you can even get a free will just for trying the services.

and it cost less than 20.oo Dollars a month.

Thank you for reading What Is Legal Shield, And What Can It Do For Me? visit my site and get your Legal Shield today do not wait  Click Here

Sunday, April 22, 2012

What Is Legal Shield

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What Is Legal Shield
We give members access to professional legal counsel not only for traditional legal problems, but for everyday events where legal review should be routine, but rarely is. For Legal Shield members, access to legal counsel is only a toll-free phone call away. Here is a 7 minute conference to listen to (800) 394-6919
“In our society today, it is better to be guilty and rich than to be innocent and poor.”

here is a statement that is as true as it is disappointing. The fact is “Equal Justice Under Law” is just not true. In actuality, such equality has been available only to those who could afford it. The purpose of Legal Shield so every American can have professional legal counsel  that is affordable !
What Is Legal Shield and the types of services can they offer?
We know the wealthiest 10 percent of the population keep their own legal teams on retainer. Conversely, the bottom 10 percent are provided access to the public defender system. It is our goal to make sure the 80 percent in between have a legal voice, and that “Equal Justice Under Law” is a reality for them also!

Take a look at the topics below and read about the type of assistance our members have received.

Please remember that individual results may vary depending on your legal issue, schedule of benefits and any applicable state laws.

AdoptionAttorney Praise, Auto Accident, ADA,

Bankruptcy, Business Related Issues, Child Custody,

Child Support, Class Action, Consultation,

Consumer Issues, Consumer Law,

Contract Dispute, Contracts, Court, Document Review,

Credit Issue, Divorce, Drivers License,

Employment Matters, Estate Questions

Family Matters, Guardianship

Health Care Directive, Identity Theft, Insurance

Investments, Labor Law, Landlord / Tenant Issues,

Legal Shield,Living Trust,Living Will
Letters, Living Will, WillS, Money Saved,

Non-Profit Organizations

Other, Patent, Real Estate and Construction

Representation, Small Claims Court,

Social Security, State Agencies,

Suspended License, Tax Issues

Telephone and Letter, Traffic Related Issues, Tragic Accident

We are on Face book CLICK HERE
Learn More watch a video from YouTube Click Here to Visit my Site